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CPAP Humidifiers and Winter
POSTED 11 Jun 2018
Now that winter is around the corner, CPAP users will soon be contending with colds/flu, sore throats, sinus infections, dry air, and other winter gifts. CPAP humidifiers can help alleviate these medical side effects of winter . A CPAP Device blows pressurized room temperature air through a tube into a facial mask. The air then enters the airway where it mechanically splints open the passage to prevent airway collapse due to obstructive sleep apnea. How Dry I Am One of the functions of the nasal cavity is to warm the air that enters the nose, preparing it for entering the lungs. Winter brings drier air. Breathing cold dry air forced into the nasal cavity by CPAP is uncomfortable. Dry air can cause the nose to work harder to warm that dry, cold air. This can lead to mouth breathing and dry mouth. About 40% of people who use CPAP suffer from dry mouth. Dry mouth can cause congestion, bad breath, coughing, sneezing, swelling, headaches, dizziness, allergies, sinus infections, illness, nose bleeds, and inflammat...
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CPAP And Allergy Season
POSTED 10 Oct 2017
CPAP Tips for Allergy Season For many Australians, the arrival of Spring means the start of allergy season. If you have sleep apnea and are treating it with CPAP therapy, there are a number of things that you can do to reduce the chances of allergy symptoms that can impact your therapy, and therefore your overall health. Although most people that suffer during allergy season suffer from hay fever and pollen during Autumn and Spring, it can depend on the person and where they live. In addition, allergies can be caused by a variety of indoor and outdoor pollutants. Common Outdoor Pollutants Include: pollen, dirt, newly mown grass, molds, smoke and smog in cities, car exhaust, outdoor smoking, and other industrial air pollutants, chemicals and fumes. There are many indoor pollutants that can cause allergies ranging from dust, carpets and floors to pet dander and mold. Other causes can be household cleaners and sprays, fireplaces, perfumes and cigarette or cigar smoke. In order to combat bo...
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Does Sleep Apnoea increase the risk of Dementia?
POSTED 31 Jul 2017
Disrupted sleep could increase the risk of dementia, a series of major studies suggests. Research on more than 1,600 people found that those suffering from disordered breathing at night were more likely to suffer an accumulation of proteins linked to Alzheimer’s disease. The three US studies examined links between obstructive sleep apnoea - one of the most common sleep disorders - and changes to the brain which may indicate a greater risk of dementia. Build up of amyloid proteins is known to be a precursor to diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. The first study of 516 healthy pensioners found that those with self reported disordered breathing had higher levels of amyloid proteins in the brain, and accumlated it a faster rate than those with more regular sleeping habits. The second piece of research, tracking 798 people with mild memory problems, found a faster build up of the same protein among those with the sleep disruption. The third, which tracked the same groups, and 325 people with Alzheimer’s...
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So Clean 2 CPAP Mask Cleaning System Now Available at Perth CPAP
POSTED 17 Jul 2017
We are happy to announce we now have in stock the new So Clean 2 CPAP Mask Disinfection system. One of the main hassles with owning a CPAP device is ensuring your CPAP mask remains clean. Previously this has required daily cleaning/breaking apart the mask to ensure no germs or bacteria can take hold. The new So Clean 2 system however, automates this function and ensures that your mask is always bacteria free. Click on this link to learn more! As always feel free to drop in or contact us to discuss this or anything else. To your health, Perth CPAP
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New Resmed AirMini launched at Perth CPAP
POSTED 23 May 2017
Achieving new heights in patient-centered innovation, AirMini packs ResMed's clinically proven CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) technology along with its comfort and ease-of-use features into a sleek, portable, pocket-sized device ideal for traveling. The AirMini is available with ResMed's proprietary AutoSet™ functionality as well as an innovative, built-in humidification system for patient comfort. AirMini weighs a mere 0.66 pounds (300 grams) and measures just 5.4 x 3.3 x 2 in (13.6 x 8.4 x 5.2 cm). "The ResMed AirMini has redefined CPAP therapy – providing patients with peace of mind, knowing they can easily get ResMed-quality therapy wherever they are," said Mick Farrell , ResMed CEO. "CPAP is now more portable and accessible than ever before. I have been traveling all over the world with a prototype of the AirMini system, using AutoSet, humidification, and an AirFit™ P10 pillows mask, and it has changed my travel life. I am so excited to see that this technology is now available to many million...
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Obstructive Sleeping Apnoea and Co Morbidities
POSTED 07 Aug 2016
People with untreated obstructive sleep apnoea may have well forgotten what a good night’s sleep is. Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) causes recurring obstruction of the upper airway of a person thus causing him to repeatedly wake up at least 30 times in an hour. What is Co Morbidity? OSA is not merely snoring or cessation of breath while one sleeps. It is a serious condition as it is coupled with co morbidities. What are co morbidities? These are medical conditions that may occur simultaneously but independently with OSA. Co morbidity may also pertain to possible interactions between health conditions or illnesses that may affect the diagnosis and course of a particular disease or diseases.
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The Top 10 Effects of Sleep Loss
POSTED 04 May 2016
Obstructive sleep apnoea and insomnia are sleep disorders that can make a sufferer not only lethargic but grumpy and foggy as well. A person suffering from long term sleep loss has diminished health, sex life, memory, looks and the ability to stay fit and trim. The effects and consequences of sleep loss are something to worry about. Loss of sleep eventually leads to serious health complications. A person suffering from chronic sleep disorders and sleep loss has an increased risk of developing heart diseases including heart failure and heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, metabolic syndrome and depression.
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How to Diagnose Sleep Apnoea
POSTED 04 Apr 2016
Do you have sleep apnoea? Diagnosing the condition is not a matter of “feeling” or “thinking” one has the condition. Diagnosis entails not only a one’s medical and family histories but also a systematic physical examination, including the results of a comprehensive sleep study. Based on the results of these tests, a primary care doctor will decide if you need further consultation with a sleep specialist. Sleep specialists are doctors who diagnose, treat or manage patients with sleep disorders. Most of these specialists are lung specialists, and ear, nose, throat (ENT) specialists. However, general practitioners may train to become sleep specialists.
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Insomnia: Prevalence in Australia
POSTED 08 Mar 2016
One of the most common sleep disorders that affects one’s health on a long-term basis is insomnia. According to a recent survey, there are from 13% to 33% of Australian adults who are diagnosed with insomnia as a primary disorder or a co-morbid of a physical or mental disorder. Statistics indicate that about 50% of patients with depression have insomnia as co-morbid. There is indication that people suffering from insomnia are more at risk of developing depression and hypertension. The accepted definition of insomnia is difficulty in staying asleep as well as falling asleep, and going through non-restorative sleep in spite of good sleeping conditions. The condition has to be present for at least 4 weeks, including impairment of the person’s daytime functions and activities.
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The Implication of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea on Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases
POSTED 06 Feb 2016
An independent Australian group has done a study on the implication of obstructive sleep apnoea on systemic hypertension in young to middle-aged people. The study also aimed to link the reduction of high blood pressure in some patients when OSA is addressed or treated. Also concluded is the fact that severe OSA is highly linked to increased stroke, cardiovascular diseases and mortality in middle-aged people. Cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus is prevalent in OSA patients this is so because sporadic hypoxia coupled with irregular sleep notably leads to proinflammatory state which could lead to cardiovascular disease (CVD) and insulin resistance (IR). Studies indicate that obstructive sleep apnoea is a risk factor for CVD and IR, and not relating to obesity.
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What are Circadian Rhythm Disorders?
POSTED 09 Jan 2016
What are Circadian Rhythm Disorders? After a 24-hour cycle, changes in a person’s physical, behavioral and mental aspects are manifested. These changes are called circadian rhythms and they are very important in determining the sleeping pattern of a person – when does he wake up and when does he sleep during a 24-hour cycle. The human body’s master clock is the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCBN) which controls the production of melatonin or sleep hormone. The SCN is near the optic nerve and relays information from the eyes to the brain. The SCN basically commands the brain to make more melatonin when there is less light thus making a person sleepy.
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Sleep Disorder: Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
POSTED 04 Dec 2015
One of the more common forms of sleep disorder is obstructive sleep apnoea or OSA. This condition involves cessation of breath of decreased in airflow when one is breathing. Obstructive sleep apnoea is characterized by numerous episodes of upper airway collapse during sleep. Each sleep interruption is linked to repeated arousals from sleep. Obstructive sleep apnoea that is associated with excessive sleepiness during daytime is called obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome or OSA syndrome or Symptoms of OSA Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea are not so obvious most especially to the person who has it. In most cases, the condition is present for a long period of time before a patient and his family realize that he needs medical help. In some cases, diagnosing the sleep disorder does not happen.
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Implication of Sleep Loss on Public Health
POSTED 27 Nov 2015
Sleep is as necessary as eating and drinking for us to thrive, function and perform daily. At some point in his lifetime, a person may experience lack of sleep due illness, stress, lack of time, and other transient situations, or due to the a form of sleep disorder such as obstructive sleep apnoea. It is a fact that chronic sleep loss causes health and social consequences not only on the person but to his family, friends and greater community as well. Sleep Loss: Prevalence Based on a study conducted by Australia’s Sleep Health Foundation about 20% to 35% of Australians experience sleep problems such as lack of sleep, falling and maintaining sleep, daytime fatigue and irritability, and sleepiness throughout the day. Women are more prone to sleep loss and that half of those who lack sleep have sleep disorders. The other half lack sleep by choice or by circumstances, and due to poor sleeping habits. About 70 million Americans have sleep disorder and chronic wakefulness. According to the Center for Disease Control ...
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Common Sleep Disorders in Children
POSTED 21 Nov 2015
Children need a required minimum amount of sleep for the repair and healing of the body. At some point most children undergo a phase of difficulty in falling asleep but this situation is temporary without any permanent effect. However, there are some children who do have a type of sleep disorder that significantly affects their general well-being and functions. Independent studies conclude that children with sleep disorders are more likely to have anxiety disorder, depression and behavioral problems. For school-age children, low grades and general lackluster performance in school are likely.
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Top CPAP Machine Brands
POSTED 17 Nov 2015
The top three CPAP Brands available in the market today are RESMED, Philips and Fisher &Paykel Healthcare. These brands have been of great help to millions of patients with obstructive sleep apnoea and have not stopped innovating products to make the lives of OSA patients easier. ResMed ResMed is an Australian company that was founded by Peter C. Farrell in 1989. Its main mission was to design, develop and manufacture an affordable and effective device for the management and treatment of sleep-disordered breathing. It was Farrell’s vision to make available an affordable CPAP machine for public consumption. The company has now manufacturing plants in the United States, France and Singapore, employing more than 4,000 people and operating in more than 100 countries.
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An Overview of Sleep Disorders
POSTED 06 Nov 2015
A person will at one or more points in his life will experience some trouble getting to sleep. This is a very normal and typically temporary occurrence that is a consequence of stress or illness. However, if getting to sleep becomes a regular experience that negatively affects a person day-to-day living including his health and relationships, then he is most likely suffering from a type of sleep disorder. Significance of a Good Night’s Sleep The norm is that a person who is in top health and condition basically sleeps well compared to those who has sleeping problem. Whether the sleeping problem is due to a medical or mental complication, sleep loss will definitely take its toll on the person’s health, emotions and general well-being. No matter how minute the loss of sleep is, this will eventually affect the person’s efficiency, mood, energy and ability to handle the stresses of daily living. An unresolved sleeping disorder not only is detrimental to one’s health but is also damaging to one’s job/school performan...
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PerthCPAP and Sleep Health Foundation
POSTED 03 Nov 2015
Perth CPAP is a bona fide member of the Sleep Health Foundation (SHF), a non-profit, sleep health advocate organization that is based in Australia. Its mission is to improve the lives of people through better and healthier sleep patterns; and for the last three years has successfully conveyed its message to the community through: • internet and various forms of media • distribution of information brochures and leaflets • communication with pertinent health organizations • dissemination of information and interaction with community leaders
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How to Choose the Right CPAP Mask
POSTED 24 Oct 2015
How to Choose the Right CPAP Mask There is a whole range of CPAP mask brands, sizes and brands and what works for one users does not mean will work on another one. This is due to the differences in the shape and size of a user’s face as well as on his requirements and preferences. For the perfect fit, the best thing to do is to try on the CPAP mask or headgear personally. Currently, there are three main types of CPAP masks available and they are nasal mask, full face mask and nasal pillow, with the latter being the least obtrusive.
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What are Sleep Disorders?
POSTED 21 Oct 2015
Trouble getting to sleep is not a unique experience as almost everyone had experienced it. This is a very normal occurrence brought about, albeit temporarily by stress, illness and other external or internal factors. However, if going to sleep and staying asleep develop into a regular pattern and interferes with a person’s day-to-day living, then he might be suffering from a sleep disorder. A Good Night’s Sleep is Important People in good physical and mental health generally do not have problem falling asleep. Sleep loss is an indication of an underlying medical or mental health problem. Sleep loss can either be due to a minor or serious condition but the end point is that it negatively affects a person’s general health and mental wellbeing. A person who lacks sleep will have less energy, moodier, less inefficient in things that he does, and is less capable to handle stress. If a sleep disorder is ignored, the condition can cause physical and mental health deterioration, poor job or school performance, acciden...
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CPAP Machines: Data Analysis
POSTED 08 Oct 2015
Technologically advanced CPAP machines are now fitted not only with heated humidification but also with portable or off-grid power options and software for therapy tracking. CPAP machines are fitted with standard compliance tracking but newer models are now data capable. Data Capable Data capable CPAP machines are now available for OSA treatment therapy. This machine has a software application that allows a patient or his caregiver to track the progress and performance of the therapy. The software is capable of getting all the data to determine the efficiency of changes in the therapy and pinpoint concerns that may affect the therapy. The gathered information is helpful in determining whether changes are needed in the current therapy. With the gathered data, the doctor will be able to make changes in the type of mask and air pressure for therapy improvement. Same as a standard compliance tracking CPAP machine, a date-capable machine is able to measure the hours spent in therapy. It is capable of tracking ad...
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Automatic CPAP Machine and Fixed Pressure CPAP Machine Compared
POSTED 02 Oct 2015
CPAP therapy is so far your best option if you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnoea. There are two types of CPAP machine and your choice depends on the device recommended by your doctor. CPAP Machine Types There are two types of CPAP machine available for therapy and they are automatic pressure machine and fixed pressure machine. An APAP or automatic CPAP device has a range of built-in sensors that calculates the required pressure level of the patient at any given time. This device can detect when a patient is about to stop breathing so that it raises the pressure of the machine automatically to make sure that patient’s airway remains open. When the patient’s breathing returns to normal, the air pressure automatically decreases. With an APAP, a patient is afforded less air pressure during therapy which makes for a more restful and peaceful sleep.
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CPAP Machine: Does it really work?
POSTED 24 Sep 2015
A period of adjustment is required before a person undergoing obstructive sleep apnoea therapy tolerates the CPAP machine. He must build up tolerance not only on the air pressure delivered by the machine but also the presence of the CPAP mask. There are those who readily feel comfortable using a CPAP machine whereas there are those who require a change of OSA therapy as they cannot tolerate the machine. Common problems of new CPAP machine users are difficulty in falling asleep, dry nose or mouth, and mask that leaks. The premise is to not give up initially as tolerance for the CPAP will eventually build up after adjustments on the air pressure and mask are done.
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Sleep Apnoea: How It Affects Family and Bed Partner
POSTED 17 Sep 2015
Scientific studies indicate that obstructive sleep apnoea, non-restorative sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness and other sleep problems negatively affects a person’s quality of life, well-being and functioning. The general population, including working people, clinical patients and children were the respondents in the studies. The conclusion of various studies indicated that people with insomnia, sleep apnoea, restless legs syndrome, narcolepsy and parasomnias suffer an inferior quality of life than the rest of the general population.
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Sleeping Disorder and Driving
POSTED 11 Sep 2015
Countless vehicular accidents all over the world have been attributed to drivers falling asleep while behind a steering wheel. Driving entails eye-hand coordination, calculation of speed and direction, and intense concentration. Alertness and undivided attention of a driver is required when driving a vehicle. If a person has untreated sleeping disorder that makes him prone to falling asleep while driving, then he has a problem! Accident Rates Studies indicate that fatigue and sleepiness are factors in 20% of vehicular accidents. Long working hours, sleep deprivation, shift work, alcohol consumption, illness, sleeping disorders such as obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), and even a new baby in the house may cause daytime sleepiness. In this connection, sleepiness and inattentiveness due to OSA or any sleeping disorder are risk factors in driving and in any industrial setting.
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Positional Therapy Explained
POSTED 03 Sep 2015
Scientific studies indicate that over 50% of people with light to moderate OSA who sleep on their back are more likely to suffer increased airway obstruction during sleep. If a person diagnosed with OSA experiences an increased airway obstruction as he sleeps in a supine position than when he is sleeping on his side, chances are he is has Positional Obstruction Sleep Apnoea or POSA. What is POSA? POSA is scientifically defined as OSA with apnoea/hypopnoea index or AHI level that is at least two times higher when the patient is sleeping on his back than when he is sleeping on his side or on his stomach. The formula clearly explains it: AHI supine > 2x AHI other position. The upper airway of an OSA patient collapses when sleeps on his back. Counting gravity, the tongue is often displaced in the posterior pharynx area. When this happens, the pharyngeal area is reduces when a person sleeps on his back.
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Mandibular Advancement Device
POSTED 28 Aug 2015
Dental or oral devices or appliances are considered as an option for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea for those who cannot handle CPAP therapy. These dental appliances are called mandibular advancement devices (MAD) or mandibular advancement splints (MAS). How MAD Works The dental appliance is actually a mouth guard that is fitted to the top and bottom teeth and then joined so that the bottom teeth are placed in front of the top set of teeth. The lower jaw is slightly pushed forward so that the soft tissues and muscles of the user’s upper airway are tightened to prevent obstruction of the airway during sleep.
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Snoring Explained
POSTED 20 Aug 2015
Snoring is a natural occurrence when a person’s throat tissues relax causing them to vibrate as he inhales and exhales. When there is an obstruction as one breathes, a hoarse or harsh sound comes out during sleep. The vibration of the tissues creates the snoring sound. Snoring is generally deemed trivial. However it may also be an indication of a more serious medical or health condition that could gravely not only you but also your family. It is a fact that a large percentage of adults snore on occasions and that this type of snoring may be stopped through lifestyle changes such as losing weight, sleeping on your side, and abstaining from alcohol before going to sleep. In majority of cases, disruptive snoring can be reduced if not entirely stopped through the use of medical devices, and surgery.
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Nasal EPAP: How it Works
POSTED 13 Aug 2015
EPAP stands for Nasal Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure, considered as a pioneering treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea. It is less intrusive as the device is just a small valve that is externally attached by a hypoallergenic adhesive to a patient’s nostril during therapy. EPAP Explained As a patient inhales the one-way valve of the EPAP allows airflow into his airway. As the patient exhales the device resists the airflow as it is directed to a small opening. The increases resistance creates expiratory positive airway pressure and is maintained up patient’s next inhalation. The positive airway pressure is easily and effectively maintained in the upper airway upon exhalation thus preventing its collapse. The air pressure created is called Positive End Expiratory
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Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Machine: How it Works
POSTED 31 Jul 2015
Obstructive sleep apnoea or OSA is one of the most disruptive reasons why a person experiences interrupted sleep. A person with undiagnosed OSA wakes up several times per hour during sleep as he stops breathing. These episodes of interruption deprive him (and his bed partner) of a good night’s sleep. However, cause for worry is unnecessary because OSA is very manageable through CPAP therapy. CPAP Machine A CPAP machine will keep a person’s upper airway open as he sleeps, eliminating episodes of breathing cessation thus allowing the patient and bed partner to enjoy a restful night’s sleep. A CPAP machine also effectively reduces snoring.
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Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: Treatment Options
POSTED 24 Jul 2015
Obstructive sleep apnoea or OSA is sleep disorder that is manageable. The two most common treatment options are changes in one’s lifestyle and the use of a breathing apparatus as a form of therapy, during sleep. Treatment options for OSA largely depend on its severity that is why it is a must that a person with a suspected OSA see a certified sleep specialist. What are the possible treatment options for people with OSA? Changes in Lifestyle It is possible to manage mild cases if OSA by changing a person’s lifestyle and behavior. Losing weight greatly reduces the threat of OSA as obesity is a risk factor.
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Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome
POSTED 18 Jul 2015
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is the most common type of sleeping disorder and it is potentially dangerous as it reduces the supply of oxygen to the vital organs as well as trigger irregular heartbeat. The word “apnoea” literally translates to “cessation of breath, so a person with this condition experiences repeated episodes of partial or complete blockage of the upper airway when he sleeps. In other words, he stops and starts breathing several times each hour that he sleeps. The chest and diaphragm muscles put in extra effort to open the closed or obstructed airway to pull in air into the lungs. When breathing resumes, the person’s body jerks or emits a loud snort or gasp
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What is CPAP?
POSTED 12 Jul 2015
Continuous positive airway pressure or CPAP therapy is the most common treatment for people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). A small machine supplies a steady and constant air pressure to prevent the airway from collapsing as one breathes. CPAP Machine Overview A CPAP machine not only keeps the patient’s airway open but also reduces snoring. It has three primary components: a mask that either covers the nose, mouth or both; an air pump; a flexible tube to link the mask and air pump. A CPAP machine also has a small tank of water and a filter to purify and increase the humidity of air.
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What is Sleep Apnoea?
POSTED 04 Jul 2015
Sleep apnoea is a common disorder wherein a person’s breathing is interrupted due to pauses or shallow breaths while he sleeps. This sleep disorder is potentially dangerous as episodes of apnoea will reduce the flow of oxygen into the person’s vital organs and may even cause irregular heart beat. The cessation of breathing can last from a few seconds to more than a minute. The apnoea may occur more than 30 times per hour. Normal breathing starts again typically with a choking sound or a loud snort.
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Welcome to the new Perth CPAP Blog
POSTED 16 Sep 2014
Welcome to the new Perth CPAP Blog. Here we will write articles containing useful information about Sleep Apnoea, related conditions and it’s diagnosis and treatment. Until then, sleep well! Yours, Perth CPAP
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