Snoring Explained
POSTED 20 Aug 2015

Snoring is a natural occurrence when a person’s throat tissues relax causing them to vibrate as he inhales and exhales. When there is an obstruction as one breathes, a hoarse or harsh sound comes out during sleep. The vibration of the tissues creates the snoring sound.

Snoring is generally deemed trivial. However it may also be an indication of a more serious medical or health condition that could gravely not only you but also your family. It is a fact that a large percentage of adults snore on occasions and that this type of snoring may be stopped through lifestyle changes such as losing weight, sleeping on your side, and abstaining from alcohol before going to sleep. In majority of cases, disruptive snoring can be reduced if not entirely stopped through the use of medical devices, and surgery.

What Causes Snoring?

When the throat tissues relax, part of the airway is blocked causing them to vibrate. The vibration produced the snoring sound. The narrower the airway, the more the throat tissues vibrate so the louder the snore. Factors that cause the throat tissues to relax are the natural anatomy of the mouth and sinuses, allergies, colds, being overweight and alcohol consumption.

Chronic congestion of the nose and a deviated nasal septum may also cause one to snore.

Overweight people are more prone to have excess tissues at the back of their throat while those with low, thick and soft palate may have narrower airway. A triangular and elongated tissue hanging from the soft palate may obstruct the airway that could lead to snoring.

Alcohol is a relaxant and too much of it may relax one’s throat muscles and cause obstruction in the airway.

Obstructive sleep apnoea or OSA causes the collapse of one’s airway, preventing the person from breathing. This is a potentially serious medical concern that is characterized by disruptive and load snoring followed by episodes of silence as breathing momentarily stops. The brain automatically nudges the person to wake up so he can breathe even as he snorts and gasps in the process. This pattern of breathing cessation and waking up can happen several times in an hour all through the night thus preventing the person to enjoy a restful and peaceful night’s sleep.

When to Seek Medical Advice

Symptoms of disruptive snoring includes restless sleep, daytime sleepiness, sore throat in the morning, difficulty in concentrating, choking and gasping at night, high blood pressure and chest pain at night. Another indication of disruptive snoring is interrupted sleep of the person’s bed partner.

If you have all these indications, it is time to consult a doctor to diagnose and assess your disruptive snoring. Excessive snoring may be an indication of obstructive sleep apnoea. Children can develop OSA too.

Snoring with your mouth closed is an indication that your tongue’s anatomy is the cause of your snoring. Snoring may involve the throat tissues if you snore with your mouth open. Positional snoring may be possible if you only snore while lying on your back. In this case, changing your position while sleeping will stop the snoring. If you snore at whatever position you are in during sleep, you need to see a qualified medical practitioner.

PerthCPAP can help you. We have the experience, qualification and expertise to diagnose and present treatment options for your sleeping disorder.

Call us at 1300 744 441

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